Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cleaning Up

Well things are moving along, we are making progress, the first floor is pretty much gutted, and injuries are at a minimum for all this construction. I cut my finger, just deep enough to bleed like crazy and have that annoying sting. Sky stepped on a nail and had to get a shot be seems to be a lot better. The second floor has become a sort of apartment but it works, although the electric company shut the power off, it never went off during the flood or the week following while doing the gutting but the town says it is dangerous so to get it turned back on they are requiring you replace the panel and any wires that got wet and get it inspected then they will allow us to turn it back on and Fall decided to come so it's quite cold at night so sky and i snuggle close and are doing as much work as we can on our own. FEMA should be meeting with us today or tomorrow fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. if you guys need anyoone to help out im available and i know the area pretty well.
