Thursday, August 25, 2011

Making a Wand

While taking the dogs out for a walk today I came across a nice sized stick laying in the yard. Since I'd been toying with idea of making a wand, i made sure my boy (lil' Eros our puppy) was distracted and I quickly thanked the goddess and picked it up. It felt good in my hand and i could feel my excitement growing. So now I am going to start making a wand.

The first things first, I am going to skin all the bark of it it, and shape it. Once i do that I will trim it to the traditional length (From elbow to wrist), then i will go thru my collection of precious and semi-precious stones to find one that seems to fit with my wand to affix to the tip (I have an emerald and an amythist already in my mind.

Then next step will be to sand down the wood and make it as smooth as possible. After that is done, the stone will be affixed along with any other ornamentation that i want to add to the want (I am thinking of maybe some run work and a dragon charm) The last thing that will be done will be to varnish or put some sort of finish onto the want to protect it. At that time i can also think about adding other items such as feathers, colorful sting, silver/gold/brass wire, or ribbons.

I can't wait to get started!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

List of Useful Terms

Animism: One of the oldest human belief systems, its the belief that all objects in the material world have spirits. For example a rock on the beach, a chair in an office, or a room in a house, all of which have spirits. The belief can also have the idea that all of the spirits are part of one overall spirit. The belief in the spirits/souls of natural objects.
Aspects of Deity: The idea that deity is one and that different deities are just aspects of the all. Commonly the diamond is used as an analogy as deity is the whole diamond but each facet is a particular deity. The associated attributes of deity; for example: In Wicca deity is recognized as having aspects of both the male and the female in the form of the Goddess and the God. The Goddess is most often associated with the moon, earth, as well as a Triple Goddess form in which the aspects of a maiden, mother and crone are recognized. The God on the other hand is associated with the sun and sky as well as in many cases an image of a horned god.
Attunement: bring a particular energy in harmony with the aura. This is usually done through a form of initiation and can often have levels. For example in Reiki there are three levels of attunement each giving the practitioner more access to the energy. In ceremonial magic practitioners are attuned to the elements. A harmonious relationship/connection, to bring different psyches into harmony, a good coven will be able to attune all of its members to each other.
Aura: The energy field around the body. It has three layers thought emotion and spirit. A field that surrounds a body can be both felt and seen depending upon the practitioner. An aura is most often visible only to those born with the skill to see it, or those who developed this ability. A visible aura contains various colors and tells about the spiritual and emotional persona of the plant, human, or creature surrounded by it. However, an aura can also be felt, heard, or sensed through other means. Usually the ability to detect auras is associated with the third eye chakra.
Blessed Be: a greeting, which comes from the long version of the Wiccan Rede. An expression that is used as a simple blessing, it means to stay blessed and be blessed with every action. It can also be used as a greeting within the Craft. A term derived from the ritual of the Five-fold Kiss, it is simple a blessing commonly used by Wiccans and Pagans as a greeting or a goodbye. Abbreviated as BB or B*B.
Book of Shadows: A term coined by Aleister Crowley for a book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, chants/poems to gods and goddesses, magic, advice, and coven laws (if a coven B.O.S.) among other things. A B.O.S can be a coven book, detailing that coven's craft, or owned by an individual Wiccan with a more personal style. It can also be a notebook kept by a witch similar to a grimoire.
Burning Times:  A time in the middle ages and early colonial times when witches were burned to death. Refers to the Early Modern European witchcraft trials during which alleged witches were burned alive or hanged or tortured to death between the 14th and 18th centuries. Most victims were tried by local community councils/courts and were not associated with paganism or witchcraft, some were midwives, native healers, and pagan worshippers but very few, the majority be far were not.
Centering: bringing into balance the energies in the aura finding one’s center of awareness, emotional balance and ultimately becoming fully aware of oneself and the connection formed with Deity. Usually thru meditation.
Chakras: Seven major energy vortexes in the human body. Each is usually associated with a color. These vortexes are: crown-violet, forehead-indigo, throat-blue, chest-green, naval-yellow, abdomen-orange, groin- red. Originates from Hindu texts and traditional Indian medicine. The chakras are seen as energy centers (wheels) that are connected to and radiated from a physical point on the human body.
Charge of the Goddess: A poem written by Doreen Valentie, which gives her version of how, the goddess expects her followers to act and behave. Attributed to Doreen Valiente, the Charge of the Goddess has been adapted and changed overtime and now several versions exist. The premise is that the Charge is a set of guidelines or instructions given by a Goddess to her followers.
Circle: A sphere of magical energies in which Wiccan rituals are usually practiced. The area inside the circle is seen as being sacred ground in which Wicca and their deities may meet. The circle is deconstructed (released, grounded, etc) after use. Often constructed using the athame, along with incense, salt, and water, but methods vary greatly.
Cone of Power: the build up of power for a spell or magical working often done through circle ambulation. An energy form raised within a circle during ritual, many methods can be used to raise this energy form, it resembles a rounded pyramid, once raised the cone can be released so that the energy/magic raised can be sent towards the intended purpose.
Correspondences: the alignment of direction elements season’s tools. The associated attributes of an object, in Craft practices today common correspondences are followed for many things such as color, gems and stones, herbs, moon phases, days or the week, etc.
Coven: traditional three to thirteen witches that work together A group of practitioners that gather to perform ritual workings and celebrate important points on the Wheel of the Year (sabbats) as well as esbats. Covens can take many forms and can have widely varying bylaws.
Cowan:  non-witch or outsider, a person who does not follow the religion of Wicca.
Degrees: the level of membership in a coven. Usually there are three. Largely a part of British Traditional Witchcraft, Gardnerian and Alexandrian Tradition but can exist within others. Usually a three tiered system with recent initiates at the first level. Second degree initiates can initiate new members and form semi-autonomous covens in some cases. A third degree is referred to as a High Priest or High Priestess and can form their own autonomous coven. It is thought that when they have reached a new degree level the person in question will have experienced or be ready to experience certain “Wiccan Mysteries”. In order to advance to the next degree initiates are required to take part in a ritual or rite for this purpose. Each Degree also brings with it a new level of knowledge being mastered.
Earthing or Grounding:  the drawing of excess energy. Often done to center or after a ritual
Elder: someone whose been in the craft for a long time. Often twenty or more years, many Wiccan organizations have a group or board of elders who oversee the operations of the church and its variety of functions. These people have usually gained their positions through a combination of their abilities, which may include education, experience, magical adept ship and counseling.
Elements: Usually counted as four: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. However many witches add spirit or akasha to this category, as well. Each element has a direction within a magical circle: Earth=north, Air=east, Fire=south, Water=west, Akasha=center. The elements are what sustain all life. The elements are found within each individual as well as in nature.
Esbats:  The celebrations based on the lunar cycle. Usually two the full and new moon esbats. Contrasted to the sabbats, which are feasts, the esbats are time of study and magic.
Evocation/Invocation: The calling forth of spiritual forces. Evocation is summoning them externally to one aura. Invocation is to summon within ones aura. An essential initial step for energy working. This is a technique in which energy that is raised is returned to the earth or an object of the earth, it is used to return energy levels to normal and to avoid overcharging your circuits so to speak.
Familiar:  An animal that shares a spiritual bond with a witch. A companion spirit, which helps or supports the practitioner. Can be sought through meditation or divination. Similar in concept to a Christian guardian angel.
God, god: Loving father to all and the perfect compliment to the Goddess. He is viewed as co-creator of the universe. Often identified with the sun, sky deserts, forests, agriculture, and wild animals. Not to be confused with the monotheistic Christian concept of 'God' he is part of a pair.
Goddess, goddess:  Definitions differ but Generally the universal mother of all who created the universe with the god. Often associated with the Moon, ocean, earth, fertility, birth and death. Healing: To repair damage either spiritual or physical. Can be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature, the goal of which is to return to a state, which is considered normal and healthy to the individual. This can be done through many means in ritual.
High Priest: The male leader of a coven
High Priestess: The female leader of a coven
Immanence: to have control over a certain group or area. Theory in which divinity is manifests and present in the physical world
Initiate:  To become a member of or rise with in a group, to take an energy into ones aura, to pass a test depending on the context Someone initiated into the Craft, a coven, Wicca or a tradition who has agreed to the bylaws of that specific group.
Law of Return/Threefold Law: What ones sends out into the universe it returns three fold. This is a law similar to karma. States that whatever is put out (positive or negative the repercussions will be felt at three times the output.
Lunar Cycle: Over the time of the month it is one orbit of the moon and the different phases of the moon. The cycle, which the moon goes through over a period of roughly 30 days. Includes full, waning, new, and waxing stages.
Magic:  To cause change in accordance with the will through the manipulation of energy. According to Crowley is the “science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”. The art and science of focusing your will and emotions to effect change both in the world around you and the world within you. Magic is neither good nor evil, positive or negative. It is the use of the power that determines the path that it will take.
Pagan and Heathen: Someone not of the Abraham faiths. Usually polytheistic or animistic. A pagan is a person who follows a religion or belief outside of the main religions of the world; usually references a follower of a polytheistic religion. Heathenry follows typically a Norse/Anglo/Germanic/Indo-European tradition that strongly relies on reconstructionalism. From Latin paganus a 'country dweller' or villager. Today it' a general term for followers of Wicca and other polytheistic, magic-embracing religions. Some prefer that Wicca are called neo-pagan and that pagan refer to practitioners of ancient polytheistic faiths in their more or less original form, such as Astaru, Odinism, etc. Pagans are not Satanists.
Pantheism/Divination: The belief that a spirit permeates all things and all things are one and that one is deity. Pantheism is the belief that nature and the Divine are integrated and identical. “God is everything and everything is God.” The art of peering into the unknown by interpreting random patterns or symbols. Incorrectly referred to as "fortune telling". Examples include: tarot cards, the I Ching, rune stones, staring (scrying) into water or fire, etc.
Pentagram: The five-pointed star. Each point represents an element. A five pointed star. I always took the points to represent the elements with spirit being the top point when not inverted. When in this position it represents the importance of spirituality and when inverted the importance of the material world; when enclosed with a circle the elements and aspects of spirituality and physical are interconnected.
Perfect Love and Perfect Trust: The state of mind one enters the circle. A line found within the Wiccan Rede: “Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust”, this implies that to stand within a circle with another or as part of a coven is to completely trust and love the individuals in question.
Polarity:  two opposites that work in harmony, In Wicca usually used in reference to male and the Divine represents female as.
Polytheism: The belief in many gods, the belief in more than one god.
Priest: A male initiated witch, a male worshiper and practitioner. In the context of Wicca one who is capable and comfortable carrying out ritual and instruction in practices seekers.
Priestess:  A female initiated witch. In the context of Wicca one who is capable and comfortable carrying out ritual and instruction in practices to seekers. A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity or deities and humankind. A high priestess is a feminine leader of a coven or Wiccan organization that plays the role of Goddess in certain ceremonies. A solitary witch can be a priestess by dedicating herself to a particular God or Goddess.
Quarters: The four direction of a circle, North, south, east and west. Normally aligned with the elements: North=Earth, South=Fire, East=Air, West=Water. Called for protection in the circle
Reincarnation: Being reborn after death to a new life, The belief that after death the soul is born again in another body to continue learning and developing through the lessons that life offers, The rebirth of the soul into other physical forms from one life (reincarnation) to the next. The new physical form can be animal or human.
Ritual: A structured form of worship, a focused mental/physical ceremony to either honor or thank ones chosen pantheon, or to perform a specific magical working or act.
Ritual Tools: items used to do a ritual, Tools that are used to aid the practitioner in ritual. The athame, boline, candles, incense, cauldron, offering bowl/cups, statues, bell, besom/broom, wand/staff, stones, herbs and even the altar itself are considered tools in the Wiccan tradition.
Sabbats: The eight feasts, which correspond to the equinoxes, solstices or the four times directly between them. Religious holidays in a sense that follows the Wheel of the Year. Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon. Related to the fertility and harvest cycles of the Earth.
Skyclad: Being naked in ritual, the practice of worship and ritual performed without clothing (clothed in the sky)
Spell: Conscious working of magic the magical practice or ritual performed with the purpose of bringing about a change or the will of the practitioner. Extended mental and emotional energy spoken aloud, written, spoken to oneself, drawn, or even danced. To work, it should be clear, concise, focused and emotional. The need must be present to bring any spell to a successful end.
Summerland: The afterlife between the reincarnation cycles, The Wiccan place of afterlife where souls can rest between incarnations.
Three levels of Self: thought, emotion and spirit. An alternate version of the three fold law in which what is given is returned not at three times the intensity but is applied at all three levels of self: body, soul and spirit
Traditions: the way a particular group operates and believes, Different interpretations through which Wicca and the Craft are practiced. Some common traditions are Gardnerian, Alexandrian, British Traditional, Seax, Eclectic, Dianic, and Celtic, Church and School of Wicca among others.
Wheel of the year:  the eight sabbats mark the passing of time. The annual cycle that the Earth follows. Eight sabbats are placed along the wheel, which have roots in Celtic and Germanic pre-Christian feasts and occasions. Is symbolic of the process of birth, life, decline, death and rebirth, which is experienced in life. One full cycle of the seasons, in pagan beliefs in begins on Samhain as opposed to in January.
Wiccan Rede: An it harm none do what ye will; several different versions exist, long and short. The short version exists in many variations of “An it harm none, do what ye will.” And is considered the main moral guideline in Wicca.
Witch, Wicce, Wicca:  Controversially a witch is one who practices witchcraft. A wicce is a female witch and a Wicca is a male witch. These are the old definitions of wicce and Wicca. Today Wicca is a form of witchcraft. Wicca also is used to refer to the religious belief system. There are many types and traditions of witches. A witch is not necessarily a Wiccan, though if Wiccan practices witchcraft they can be called a witch.
Witches' Pyramid: known as the four pillars of witchcraft refers to four basic principles: to know, to dare, to will, and to be silent. This is the foundation on which successful magic is based.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Book of Mirror's

A book of mirrors is agood way to keep track of your daily progress as a pagon. It's just like a diary used to keep track of your thoughts,questions, or Idea's. It should be kept private as it is for your personel growth and can be used to keep you focused on your path while learning the craft. Use your book of shadows as your main source of record to share with your High Priest or Priestess in your coven and your book of mirrors for private matters.Together they will help you gain knowledge.

Blessed be...

Ritual Robes

For those of you who are so inclined to wear robes, for study group, ritual, and rites, and other magical celebrations this is a site ( we have found the robes which Sky and i will be purchasing for our use, as we said while working alone and as our coven we prefer skyclad but we do acknowledge there will come times where we will be required to wear robes. No we won't tell you which styles we have chosen only that they are both black.

For your robe choose wisely, remember that you will be working with fire, wine and food and long sleeves can catch easily or be dragged thru staining substances. Also accidents happen so don't be crushed if you silver satin robes get a dark red wine juice stain down the front, (which is why we require dark or brown earth tones for our group) Emblessish your robes as you see fit but remember the focus of your ritual should be the goddess and god not the sequined dress the catches the light at every angle and the large feather boa which dances dangerously close to the fire. Embroiry, belts, ties, and fancy cuts are fine but remember this is something you'll be working in, so you would be wise to choose something comfortable.

The last thing you should think about is foot wear, yes barefoot is ideal but if you are walking thru the woods to a clearing shoes would be suggested, having grown up in the woods it is not fun to step on a pointy rock or to stub your toe on a root masked in the darkness. There is also the issue of snow in the winter, I am the type of person who cannot stand having cold feet if they get cold i am freezing till they are warm again, of course if you are doing indoor rituals shoes are not an issue, but remember it is always better to be prepared for the unpredictable weather then to catch ill from bad conditions. You can always add clothes to get warm or take layers off if you over heat.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Coven

Dusk Red Snow and I have been spending some time reading "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. I think this is a very good book for our Coven and study group. give it a read if you can or we can share it with you, and don't be afraid to ask questions it's how we learn.

Blessed be
Sky Red Snow

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Reading Assignment

     I thought it would be good for everyone to start with a 101 book, I have found that even though there are many starter books they all have something individual to offer. One of the best ones that I have read is Wicca: A guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham, it is not step by step instructions but is thought provoking and leads to other ideas and questions. I would like those of you who are in the study group to have this book read by our first meeting.

Please feel free to discuss, question and debate this among each other. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

All About our Coven

Founded: July 2011

Number of Members: 3 (Cassandra, Sky and Dusk Redsnow)

Prospective Member attributes: Any race, from any religion. We welcome any from the LGBT communinty, Any Age.
*Anyone 18 and under can join the study group but you must have notorized parental consent and bring one of your guardians to one of meetings within the first two months*

Selection of Members for the Study Group: A questionaire must be filled out to be considered for the study group after and year and a day with the group you would be considered for an invitation to join the coven.

Hiving off: members of the study group are welcome to start their own covens if they so choose.

Tradition: The coven is prodiminatly greek but the study group is Eclectic, The coven will incoporate other traditions but the member who requests their tradition to be used must educate the group on the Dieties and the tradition which they wish to share.

Pagan Rede: We follow the Pagan Rede.

Internal Structure: Decisions will be made by the group with the High Priest/High Priestess having final veto power.

Ritual Dress: Black or Tan robes with lining of whatever color you want. The coven is primarialy skyclad but will work robed if a member requests it
*We ask anyone who is uneasy about worshiping skyclad to try it alone in a private ritual before they right it off completely*
**Because the group practices skyclad anyone under the age of 18 will not be allowed to enter the coven until they come of age but they are more then welcome to join the study group.**

Ritual Preperation: Sky creates and plans and rituals but he is always open to suggestions and requests. He formats them so that no one need memorize anything unless they so desire to.

Meeting Frequency: The study group will meet once a week, we ask that all coven members attend the study group to share their knowledge and help others grow. Anyone new to the craft must attend 52 meetings to be considered for Coven membership, they do not have to be consecutive but missing more then 4 weeks in a row would bring your membership up for review (Of course allowances will be made such as College students going on winter break and summer leave)

Using Magick: Any magic done within the coven must be an a group decision and will not be done without total agreement.

Other Meetings of Note: A yearly meeting to discuss the Coven Compact,new members, issues and nomination of those from the study ciricle to be initiated into the Coven. and the 8 holidays.
*The movement from the study circle to the coven would be a progress check to see where others felt the students were and who would be coming up for the invitation*

Meeting Place: Sky and Dusk's home

Leadership: Sky and Dusk will lead the coven and study group as high priest and high priestess until the time comes where they feel the need to step down.

Dues: No dues but will do ask for Donations for ritual supplies (such as candles, incense, and other needed items for the rituals)

Privacy: Anything shared within the Coven/study group stays in the group, Craft names are also welcome to be used in the Coven and study circle.

Banishment: Any member can be nominated for Banishment from the group provided that they have caused physical or mental damage to another member or any other inappropriate behavior within the group. Once the group decides this is the best action the high priestess/high Priest will speak the member in question and relenquish their membership.

Members of Other Covens and Study Groups: Are welcomed as are our members allowed to join other groups as well.

We Do ask that you take a Vow of Secrecy before joining our study group or coven.

For those of you that have self-dedicated yourself we ask that you part take in the study group if your aptitude shows that you are ready for an invitation to the coven then one may be provided if not we would ask that you complete the 52 weeks of training before entrance into the coven.

However if you have been initiated by another Coven we would allow you access to the coven provided the other coven's existence is able to be proven.

Magical Requirements: We do ask that you do know some basic information to join the coven such as being able to caste a circle and to conduct yourself in a way that is appropriate for the circle. (respect for others, fire safty, and awareness of surrounding just to name a few)

Guests/Minors: Minors may be members of the study group provided that they meet the qualifications listed above but until they reach the age of 18 entence into the Coven is forbidden. Guests are welcome to Study sessions provided premission is obtained two weeks in advance but only fully initated members of the coven are welcome at the rituals.

Substance Use is not tolerated this includes but is not limited to Alcohol, Tobacco (chewing and smoking) and illegal drugs.
*Prescriptions are allowed as prescribed especially is it is an inhaler or Epi-pen*

Personal Relationships: Relationships between members are acceptable but any conflicts that may arise are left at the door, failure to adhere to this can be reason for banishment.

The Circle is safe place where all are equal, even the high priest or high priestess we expect everyone to respect this and all members.

Bondage, Fear tactics, and Belittling of members in not acceptable at all and will not be tolerated.

Dedicating Myself

Tonight there was a full moon so I decided it was time to do my self dedication. I asked Heidi to join me and witness my ceremony. I cast my circle skyclad and feeling the cool air on my bare skin called for the Lord and Lady to fill me with their spirit and called the elements to share there gifts with me and pronounced my commitment to the craft and promised to use it for good and never to harm, I felt tingly like the air was full of energy.I closed my circle and felt a calmness come over and noticed that the pain I was feeling in my arm and nexk was very much was awesome

Monday, August 1, 2011

My own Self Initiation Ceremony

     I was living with my parents when i did my ceremony, I was 20, the college semester was over and I was eager to learn about this new found religion, I had already read about three or four books about it and started a BOS (book of Shadows) It was an initation/dedication ceremony I had found in Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner. A dedication to learning the craft to becoming closer with nature. I decided to do it skyclad (meaning only clothed by the sky) It was a warm night with a slight chill in the air.
    I was Terrified! It was dark out and I lived in the woods, and here I was climbing out my bedroom window, naked with a candle, a chalice, a wing of a giant green moth that i found in the driveway, and some quartz i found on a fishing trip to canada. I didn't want my parents to know what i was doing, my mother already accused me of worshiping satan, and dad was clueless (still is, but just because he couldn't really careless).
    I caste my circle calling to the quarters, lighting my candle and reading a dedication ceremony out of my book, an invocation written by Scott Cunningham. As the circle closed before i started the invocation I felt more at ease more calm like I was doing what i was supposed to be doing. Then I started the incantation:

O Mother Goddess,
O Father God,
answers to all mysteries and yet mysteries unanswered
in this place of power I open myself to your essance.
In this place and in this time I am changed;
from henceforth I walk the Wiccan path.
I dedicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God

I breathe your energies into my body
eommingling, blending, mixing them with mine,
that i may see the divine in nature, nature in the divine,
and divinity with myself and all else.
O great Goddess, O great God
make me one with your essance

    As I finished the invocation I felt a warm embrace hold me and fill me with peace and serenity. I just sat there for a while and relaxing in the embrace. Then a pack of coyotes started to howl quite near, I listened for a moment and then i remembered that i was outside naked in the woods at night, and living where i did quickly closed the circle and climbed back into my room and slept.