Water is the element of purification, the subconscious mind, love, and the emotions.
Just as water is fluid, constantly changing, flowing from one level to another, so too are our emotions in a constant state of flux.
Water is the element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized by this element because it is rolling always moving, like the sea that rests neither night or day.
Water magic involves pleasure, friendship, marriage, fertility, happiness healing, sleep, dreaming, psychic acts, purification, and so on.
A ritual of water usually ends with an object being tossed or placed in or on a body of water.
This is a feminine element, and its color is the blue of deep, deep water. It rules the west and autumn months of the year when rain showers wash the earth.
The magic of water is wrought with mirrors, the sea, fog, and rain.
Basic Nature: Flowing,purifying, healing, soothing, loving
Type of Energy: Receptive
Active polarity Compassion, Devotion, Forgiveness, Love, Modesty, Nutriment, Serenity, and Tenderness.
Passive Polarity Anger, bitterness, depression, guilt, indifference, selfishness, stagnation, and timidity
Body parts Abdomen and human emotion
House Domain: Bathroom (room) Blue/green (Color) Sandalwood (Scent) Clean (Thought)
Places: Lakes,springs, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam rooms, fountains.
Direction: west
Time: Dusk
Point in life: Maturity
Sense: taste
Color: Blue
Quality: Emotion, Intuition
Natural Symbols:Shells, cup of water
Animals: Crab, duck, fish, seahorse, seal, whale, cat, frog, turtle, dolphin, otter, seal, Dugong (manatee);most fish and shellfish.
Herbs: Aquatic, such as water lilies, and seaweed; fleshy, as in succulents and lettuce, loving, as in rose and gardenia,; generally flowers.
Stones: Transparent or translucent, as in amethyst and aquamarine; blue, as in blue tourmaline.
Metals: Mercury (quicksilver), Silver, Copper
Musical Instruments: Cymbal, bell all resonant metals
Tools: Chalice, cup, bowl, wine, water, juice, silver, coral, stones with holes in their centers, seaweed, and seashells
Riuals: Purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep,peace, marriage, friendships
Ritual forms: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing.
Zodiac: Cancer (water at it’s source), Scorpio (Fixed or Deep waters), and Pisces (Water changing direction)
Aquatic animals: Manakel
Baptisms and Wiccanings: Raphael, Barpharanges
Beauty: Camael
Birth and conception: Gabriel
Compassion: Rachmiel, Raphael
Deep Seas: Tamiel, Rampel, Rahab
Fish: Gagiel, Arariel, Azareel
Gratitude: Shemael
Hail: Bardiel, Nuriel, Yurkami
Healing: Shekinah
Intuitive Powers: Sachiel
Overcome jealousy: Balthial
Liberation: Colopatiron
Longevity: Mumiah, Scheiah, Rehail
Love: Raphael, Rahmiel, Theliel, Donquel, Anael, Liwet, Mihr
Mercy: Michael, Gabriel, Rhamiel, Rachmiel, Zadkiel
Peace: Gavreel
Platonic love and friendship: Mihr
Positive, loving thoughts: Hahaiah
Protection for travel over water: Elemiah
Rain: Matarel, Mathariel Ridia, Matriel, Dara
Rivers: Trsiel, Rampel, Dara
Running Streams: Nahaliel
Science and Medicine: Mumiah
Sea: Rahab
Showers: Zaa’fiel
Snow: Shalgiel, Michael
Waters: Phul
Water insects: Shakziel
African Deities: (Female) Abuk, Asase Yaa, Aziri, Dada, NImm, Oshun (Rivers and streams), Yemaya (Sea)
Egyptian Deities: (Female) Akhet, Celestial waterer, Hast, Haqet, Meri, Nephthys, Satet, Sphinx, Uat (Male) Tefnut, Khnum (God who controlled the Nile)
Greek and Roman Deities: (Female) Acantha, Alcyone, Cleone, Dero, Hippo, Hypereia, Inassa, Therma (Male) Neptune, Poseidon
Germanic/Norse Deities: Atlaq, Holda, Lady Wen Matrona, Norns (Fates who are Skuld, Verdandi ,and Urd) Wave maidens (Male) Donar, Ull
Celtic Deities: (Female) Bried/Brigid (Considered fire and water goddess) Coann, Danu, Eona, Lady of the Lake, Tres Mares (Male) Condatism, Manannnan.
To Increase Psychic Awareness
Go to a flat, slow moving stream, bury a coin at the base of a nearby tree or bush and gently collect three leaves. Thank the plant for its sacrifice as you collect the leaves.
Next, hold the leaves between your palms, visualize yourself as a psychic person, who can call upon the psychic mind at will. Imagine what it would be like to be psychic. Push your personal power into the leaves with your visualization.
Set one leaf afloat on top of the water Say these or similar words:
Leaf afloat,
Leaf so green,
Help me to see,
What’s Unseen
As the first leaf sails away, launch another, then the third each time saying the same words.
As each leaf touches the water, it slowly dispels the energy that you’ve given to it. This energy mixes with the psychic-inducing power of the water to bring your need into manifestation.
A Peace Bath
Draw a bath for yourself, Pour a tablespoon or so of milk into a large bowl of water. Say:
Water ripples on the breeze…
Add several rose petals (Fresh or dried) to the bol of water and milk. Say:
Thistledown flies through the air…
Stir the water, milk, and rose petals with the index finger of your right hand. Say:
Silent as the mighty seas…
Gently pour the mixture you’ve created into the bath and say:
Peaceful here without a care
Step in, Bathe for as long as you with. Let the water absorb negative thoughts and worries. Allow yourself a few moments of healing peace.
The Water Vow
Since water is the Element of Love, and marriage, this a special elemental ritual that can be used to tie a couple together on the elemental plane. It works to increase Love and affection toward one another.
Find a narrow stream or spring. Stand on one side and your loved one on the other. Clasp hands over the water and say together:
Flowing water, witness this act:
Our hands are bound; we make this pact.
Visualizing the Water
Proceed to the western point and face outward. Be aware of the soft contemplative hush of eventide, of being surrounded by rich gold of autumn colors and of ripe fruits and nuts, and the gathered corn and all good things of harvest home. See yourself at the border of a still lake, upon which there is scarcely a movement , save for the odd fish rising to form an eddy of ripples, or the buzz of insect life about its surface. On the horizon before you the sun, a great dull gold disk, sinks toward the horizon in a soft glory of shades of crimson, and as you watch, it disappears below the ground of the purple mountains in the far west, on the other side of the lake, whence you can see far in the distance a winding path leading up to the heights. As the sun disappears, yet still signals of its presence by the afterglow of flories in the cloudbanks of the western sky, you notice in the greening azure of the upper sky a few first faint stars, and shining predominatly amongst them, as a herald of them all, the great lamp of Venus, the evening star. At the same time be aware of the last flicker of a point of light from it’s master below the horizon, and then be aware of the mistress of the night sky, the crescent moon, with the evening star between it’s horns like a pale lantern in the sky before you.
The darkening clouds of the western horizon almost appear to be like herds of lowing cattle, and you are aware of a great figure of a spotted cow, building over the lake before you. This is Mona, most ancient of sacred symbols.
Within your hands you find you hold a silver cup, and before you on the ground is a cauldron, simmering over a slow fire. Sweet savors are rising from it. You raise your cup toward the great beings of the west and you drink a toast to them that is almost a sacrament. Then you contemplate the rising vapors that ascend above your head still air from the cauldron of inspiration, that has images of nine goddesses cunning worked about its rim. Be aware as you do spot the great archangelic figure Gabriel, in blue and silver before you, bearing a great horn of annunciation, he who is the bringer of tidings and visions. With him, in the lower parts of his aura may be discerned the great elemental lord of water, known as Nixsa. And as you become aware of him you also realize the presence of this creatures, beautiful nymphs and sirens rising from the depths of the lake, some like dolphins, others bearing pearls and sea treasures, and calling on conch horns, and you feel the purifying streams of water flowing through your being.
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