Fire is the element of change, will, and passion. In a sense it contains within it all forms of magic, since magic is process of change.
Fire magic can be frightening. The results manifest quickly and spectacularly. It is not an element for the faint-hearted. It is the primal, however, and for this reason is much used.
This is the realm of sexuality and passion. It is not only the “sacred fire” of sex, it is also the spark of divinity that shines within us and in all living things. It is at once the most physical and spiritual of the elements.
Its magical rituals usually involve energy, authority, sex, healing, destruction (of negative habits, disease) purification, evolution, and so on.
A ritual of fire usually involves the fuming, burning, or smouldering of an image, herb, or other flammable object, or the use of candles or small blazes.
It’s magic is usually practiced near the hearth, or beside fires lit in wilderness clearings, or beside the flame of a single candle.
Fire is masculine. It rules the south, the place of greatest heat, the color red, the season of summer.
All candle magic comes under fire’s powers.
Here are some of fire’s associations:
Basic Nature:Purifying, destructive, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forceful. Heat is a manifestation of this element.
Type of Energy: Projective
Active Polarity: Action, Courage, Eagerness, Enthusiasm, Interest, Movement, Productivity, and Resolution
Passive Polarity: Destruction, Devastation, Gluttony, Hatred, Intolerance, Irritability, and Jealousy, Overindulgence.
Body: Head, neck, shoulders, and arms
House Domain: Kitchen (Room), Brown (Color), Baking Bread (Scent), Good Food (Thought)
Places: Deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, bed-rooms (for sex), weight rooms, locker rooms, Saunas, athletic fields
Direction: South
Color: Red
Quality: Passion, initiative, energy
Rituals: Protection, courage, sex, energy, strength, authority, banishing negativity.
Ritual Forms: Burning or smouldering; heating.
Spell Strengths: Banishing fear, negativity, Purification, purity, enlightenment, power, and keen vision.
Animals: Desert Creatures, Lion, Lizard, scorpion, snake, cricket, praying mantis lady bug, bee, scorpion, shark.
Herbs: Stinging, thorny, or hot as thistles, chile peppers, and bouganvillea; desert- dwelling, as cacti, stimulating, as coffee beans; generally seeds.
Stones: Red or fiery, as in jasper; volcanic, as in lava; clear, as in quartz crystal.
Metals: Gold, brass
Tools: Candle, wand, blade, red or orange stone, pyrite, gold.
Zodiac: Aries (for beginnings with inspirational fire), Leo (Steadfast fire), and Sagittarius (Changing Fire)
Season: Summer
Direction: South
Time: Noon
Point in life: Youth
Sense: Sight
Natural Symbols: Flame, lava, heated object
Angel Guardian:
Comets: Zikiel, Akhibel
Constellation: Kakabel, Rahtiel
Creativity: Angel Samandriel
Divine Knowledge: Angel ZagZagel
Good Causes: Nemamiah the Warrior
General Fire: Angels; Nathaniel, Arel, Atuniel, Jehol, Ardarel, Gabriel, Seraph
Flame: Angel Uriel
Inspiration: Angel Hael
Light: Angels; Isaac, Gabriel, Mihr, Parvagigar, Raphael (Regent of the Sun) and Uriel
Light of Day: Angel Shamshiel
Love and Romance: Angel Anael
North Star: Angels; Abathur, Muzania, Arhum Hii
Song: Angels; Uriel, Radueriel, Israfel, Shemiel, Metatron
Stars: Kakabel, Kohabiel, Star of Love: Anael
Success and Good Fortune: Angel Barakiel
Sun’s Rays: Angel Schachlil
African Deity: Tsetse (female)
Egyptian Deities: Amit, gatekeeping goddesses, Sekhmet, Uatchet. (Female) Ra, Kephra, Atum, Toth (Male)
Greek and Roman Deities: Aetna, Hestia, Vesta (Female) Hephaestos, Vulcan (Male)
Germanic/Norse Deities: Girda, Holla, Vana, Mothers (Female)
Celtic Deities: Brigid, Tre Matres (Female)
Visualizing the Fire
Be aware of being bathed in the bright sunlight of noon, the warmth of the life-giving radiation of the of the daystar soaking through you. See the sun, a great incandescent disk with golden rays shooting forth from it in all directions. It may take up the whole of the sky rather like the Tarot trump of Sun, a beaming face upon its disk in token of the fact that it is alive, a warm sentient, and conscious being, that cherishes, nurtures, and loves you and all else upon the planets within its ambit, that circle it in adoration and love. You may see yourself as one of the naked children that dance within a ring in the sun’s rays this side of the wall of form, with the high nodding heads of sunflowers beaming over you, reminders of the complete reliance upon the sun for birth, life and breathing by the world of animal life and vegetation. Or you may be aware of yourself as the variant of the Tarot trump that depicts a naked child upon a white horse carrying a banner.
That banner is the glorification of life, and may have upon it either a simple heraldic device, a red cross on a pure white ground, or alternatively be richly sewn with embroidered flowers, animals, birds, and fish, a great tapestry of all life created under the sun. These various visions may be evoked either one after the other, or as alternatives on different occasions.
The horse may also appear before you as Epona, the great white mare of the hills. You may see her, perhaps in the form of one of the great white chalk hill figures carved by the Celts, or those who came after even to the present time. If so, be aware of the chalk figure, coming alive, and galloping over the green hills in sunshine. In the bright sunlight that surrounds you be aware of the points of diamond light…these are the consciousness of the beings of fire, like fireflies of the day, the salamanders, also called “will-o’-the-wisps.” They are capable of giving great spiritual contacts, for they serve the great ones at all levels of being and they are forces of transmutation and transformation behind the fires of life. Now imagine that you have in your hand a long, stripped wand of hazel wood with a hollowed core through which powerful subtle forces play. Something of this may be seen in the raying points of starlight that shine from its endmost tip and can be felt in almost animal warmth of the end that is grasped within your hand…a warmth that seems to stem from deeply banked furnace fires from within the depths of the Earth and of the quality of the deep seated fire that is within the sun. This is the planetary and solar kundalini, the serpent power, and a reflection of which you carry within the core of your aura, in the equivalent of your spinal column. Make a sign in the air in the forum of a five pointed star, commencing at the topmost point and swing down right, up left, across, down left, and up to the top again. This is the symbol of man, solar spirit in balanced command of the four elements. Then see yourself standing foursquare facing the south, holding a great spear, its haft on the ground beside your foot and its flaming point, like shining bronze, above your head. Be aware of the great rod as a tool of control, to point and keep things at bay, or to handle virile forces, as a rod is used to stoke a furnace, or to fend off a violent creature. It may also be held two-handed as a weapon of defense, fending off blows but harming none, or being used as a means of exerting pressure of holding a door as with a bolt across an opening. Be aware of your rod as an organ of control.
Then see before you, building in the sky, the red and gold fiery figure of the Archangel Michael, also armed with a long and mighty spear with which he quelled the dragon force that is the virile power of all growing life, the fires of creativity, which create destruction if let run riot but which are the fire-springs of creativity and all manifest life when cooperated with and controlled. Then associated with the Archangel, be aware of the great king and lord of the elements of fire, the great heat of the mighty Djinn, lord of all heat and warmth, whether of the animal warmth of the nest, the hearth fire, or the primal fire of the atom. Be aware too of the purifying radiations of heat and fire passing through you from his subjects many of whom form a part of your being and keep your bodies alive.
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