Scientists and magicians may have different views concerning the element, but all agree that it’s vital to human survival.
Without air, we would perish.
Air is the power of movement-of freshening and of intelligence. It’s the invisible and yet quite real mixture of gases that we breathe in every day. In magical terms air is also the power of the mind; the force of intellect.
Go to a place with clean air and breathe deeply. Touch a feather. Inhale the fragrance of a heavily scented flower. Study an intricately patterned leaf. Experience the wonders of the manifestations of the this element. Remember too, that we possess air energy within ourselves.
Here are some air associations
Basic Nature: Flying, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestation of this element.
Type of Energy: Projective
Active Polarity: Cheerfulness, Dexterity, Diligence, Gentleness, Inspiration, Joy, Optimism, Playfulness
Passive Polarity: Contempt, Fickleness, Gossiping, Incapacitation, Indecisiveness, Ruthlessness, Sneakiness, Weakness
Rituals: Travel, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items
Ritual Forms: Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, Visualization, positive thinking.
Body Parts: Chest and Lungs
Senses: hearing, smell
Point in life: Infancy
Places: Mountaintops, wind-swept plains, cloudy skies, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, office, travel agencies, psychiatrist’s offices.
House Domain: (Room) Studio (Colors) white/green
Direction: East
Time: Dawn
Color: White, Yellow (The color of the sun, the sky at dawn)
Qualities: Expression, Communication
Animals: Bat, most birds, Butterfly, Dragonfly, Ladybug, spiders, winged insects.
Natural symbols: A feather, incense smoke, fragrant flowers
Types of Magic Ruled: Divination, concentration, visualization, wild Magic
Season: Spring
Herbs: Fragrant as many flowers; pungent, as in culinary herbs such as dill, airy, finely veined, or wind-swept; generally leaves.
Stones: Light stones, such as pumice; transparent stones such as mica.
Metal: Tin, copper.
Musical instrument: flute, all wind instruments
Tools: Athame, Sword, wand, book, pen, letter opener, feather, pentacle, wood, mortar and pestle.
Zodiac: Libra(air in early movement) Aquarius (air as it stalls over the earth), Gemini (Air that changes direction)
Air, General: Chasan, Casmaron, Cherub, Iahmel
Altitude: Barachiel, Gabriel, Gediel
Announcements: Sirushi
Birds: Arael, Anpiel
Communication and protection from harmful words and thoughts: Ambriel
Dawn: Hlm Hml
Doves: Alphun
Dreams: Gabriel
Free Will: Tabris
Grace: Ananchel
Hurricanes: Zamiel, Zaafiel
Intellectual Achievements: Akriel
Inventions: Liwet
Memory and Tolerance: Mupiel
Moderation: Baglis
Noonday Winds: Nariel
North wind: Cahiroum
Pure wisdom, knowledge, and learning: Diana
Philosophy and Meditation: Iahhel
Positive thoughts: Vohumanah
Prayers: Akatriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Michael
Protection for libraries, archives, places of learning and computers: Harahel
Purity: Taharial
Secrets and hidden knowledge: Satarel
Sky: Sahaqiel
Storms: Zakkiel, Zaamael
Thunder: Ramiel, Uriel
Truth: Armait (Also Harmony)
Twilight: Aftiel
Whirlwind: Rashiel, Zavael
Winds: Moriel, Ruhiel, Rujiel, Ben Nez
Writing: Ecanus
General Air Deities:
Greek: Hermes (Male)
Roman: Mercury (Male)
Egyptian: Shu (Male)
Education Deities:
African: Aja, Minona (Female)
Egyptian: Selk, Seshat, Tie (Female) Thoth (Male)
Greek and Roman: Carmentis, Circe, Hecate, and Mystis (Female)
Germanic/Norse: Eir, Saga, Nath
Celtic: Cerridwen, Danu, Nath
Intelligence Deities:
African: Ogboinba (Female)
Egyptian: Sphinx, Tie (Female) TOth, Horus (Male)
Greek and Roman: Apollonis, Erato, Harmonia, Minerva, Mnmosyne, Muses, Urania (Female)
Germanic/Norse: Nat (Female)
Celtic: Canola, Cerridwen, Sephira (Female)
Weather Deities:
African: All-bringing-forth; Bunzi, oya,
Egyptian: Nebt, Nephthys, Tefnut, Nuit (Sky and Heaven) (Female)
Greek and Roman: Aura, Dais, Dione, Erato, Hera, Tempestates.
Germanic/Norse: Aslog, Frau, Holda, Sjora, Swan Maidens (Female)
Celtic: Becuma, Cesair, Dawen, Nair
Visualizing the Air
Go to the eastern point and face outward. Be aware of a darkened horizon across a wide plain. In the sky before you is a single light in the darkness of predawn, that of Venus, the morning star. Then see the sky gradually begin to lighten to a light turquoise green. And see a smaller light, just before the sun comes up, of its companion and herald mercury, the messenger of the gods. Then the tip of the golden disk of the sun itself begins to rise above the horizon and all is slowly bathed in red and gold, and long dark purple shadows gradually give way to increasing light. At the same time be aware of “the voice of the day” the morning chorus of bird song welcoming another dawn. Realize too that it is springtime. See about you on the low bushes and the trees behind you the green buds bursting forth with new life and the spring flowers shooting up sharp shafts of green through the earth at your feet. And then be aware of a gentle but persistent breeze upon your cheeks- for this is the quarter that is dedicated to the air element. Be aware also, with the inner eye, of little winged beings with the appearance of nursery tale fairies, but which have an ancient lordliness that comes from experience since the beginnings of time. Finally, as the sun rises above the horizon, see standing before you a great stag, with branching antlers, if you count them they number twelve and each tine, as it reflects the early morning sunlight, seems to be afire with a point of incandescent light. Imagine you have a great sword before you. See and feel its jeweled , cross-formed hilt. Withdraw it from its scabbard. See its blade shine out brilliantly in the sun’s light and with it salute the mighty stag, Cernunnos, and the beings of the dawn and spring. Replace the sword, and take a longbow from your back and an arrow from a quiver at your side. Fix the arrow into the string of the bow, take a long, strong pull, and try to shoot the arrow over the sun. Hear the arrow buzz through the air as it leaves you and feel the slap of the string and whip of the untautened bow and be aware of the flying arrow, a brief gleam in the sunlight, and then a quivering dark line against the azure sky, before it disappears from sight, to fall you not where, but in the direction of aspiration.
Be aware also of the two other great figures who build at the bidding of your mind’s eye. One is a great-winged archangelic figure who towers over the whole scene before you, robed in blue and gold, the great Archangel Raphael, bearing a pilgrim’s staff and a scrip or purse containing the elements of healing.
Also, larger than human stature, see the king and overlord of all the elements of air, mighty Paralda. As you see him be aware of all the peoples of the element air whirling about in a great spiral of force that is as steady as a strong breeze, and be aware of air flowing through your whole body, cleansing and purifying, blowing all dust and cobwebs of stale thoughts, feelings, and conventions away.
The Winds
Air magic can be done with the use of the winds. Each wind has it’s strengths and it’s weaknesses. Like all the elements it can paired with other elements or used singularly. Each region has different attributes for it’s winds what follows are the attributes from winds from North America and Europe.
In the age of technology it you can simply google the wind direction in your area or if you can orient yourself to the north use a wind sock to determine direction of the wind.
North Wind
The north wind is the wind of death- be not necessarily that of physical death. This is the realm of the one eternal universal law-change. “Death” here refers to the elimination of negativity.
The north wind is cold (Magically speaking), blowing in as it does from the direction of winter when snows lie deep across the lands. It is “dry”, or barren, thus paving the way for spells of destruction.
How to use it? If you are depressed, anxious, envious, jealous, angry, and the wind is blowing from the north, face full into it and it will free you from these things.
If you wish to break a bad habit, perform any spell of this nature while the north wind is blowing for added power.
The north wind, while chilly with night,death, and deep snows, is also the wind of the element of earth, and thus shares in some of it’s qualities. But the wind, being dry, is not a favorable for fertility and prosperity magic, although magic involving healing can be greatly aided by the north wind.
It’s color is the black of midnight.
East Wind
The wind blowing from the east is that of freshness , renewed life, strength, power, and intellect. It is a warm, bracing wind that blows from the point at which the sun, moon, and stars making their shining appearances.
Thusly, it is the wind involved with beginnings, the new phenomena that rise from the work of the north wind. The heat is that of the sun, and the spark of creation.
Spells best utilized when the wind is sweeping from the east are those concerning dramatic improvements and changes for the better, especailly in behavior. Also east wind spells are those involving the mind and all spells involving the element of air, to which it is magically related.
Love spells are the best not performed with an easternly wind, unless you want a very intellecual love. But perhaps there is nothing wrong with that!
Since the east is the direction of sunrise and light, the color is white.
South Wind
The further south you travel, the hotter it gets-on this side of the equator, at least. For this reason, the souther wind is a hot and fiery one.
Symbolically it rules noon, when the sun (or moon) is highest in the sky, the time of the greatest light and heat. Because the south wind is related to the element of fire, its magic covers the same ground. The south wind, however, can be used for any type of magic when it’s blowing. It’s a good time to cast spells.
Since this wind is strong and hot, spells performed with it are assured an extra jolt of power. It is always exciting and interesting working with the south wind
Be warned, however, that fire-even the diluted fire of the southern wind-can be dangerous. As we know, fire can burn.
The color of the south wind? Yellow-the yellow of the sun at noon.
West Wind
The west wind blows cool and moist; it may carry a hint of rain or mist as it washes over the land. It is a fertile loving force that is gentle and persuasive.
It symbolically rules twilight, when all is at a standstill; day and night merge into a magical landscape of muted colors and breezees. Sunset, like sunrise, is an excellent time to perform magic-more so if the correct wind is blowing.
Water magic-love, healing, ferility, and so on- is excellent for the west wind, as it adds it’s own forces and energies from that quarter. Especailly excellent for spells involving cleaning or purely religious rituals, the west wind is welcome relief after the dry, hot breeze from the south.
The west wind is the blue of the sky just before all lights fades form the sky.
Invoking the Winds
Previous to working a spell with the winds it as advisable to invoke them but it is not required. When casting a circle an invocation of the four winds can be used to call the corners. A sample invocation follows it may be used in parts or as whole for whatever your purposes may be.
Winds of the north
Rushing and mighty
Aid me in my magical work
Winds of the east
Dazzling and bright
Aid me in my magical work
Winds of the south
Fiery and radiant
Aid me in my magical work
Winds of the west
Gentle and buoyant
Aid me in my magical work
Tie Up Your Trouble (north wind)
On a sturdy, preferably dead bush or shrub still planted in the ground, in a place where the winds blow clear and free, tie or push onto the tip of a branch or twig one leaf for every one of the ills that is bothering you. If you tie the leaf, do so loosely and use a natural fiber cord.
This is all you have to do, for the north wind will rise and perhaps slowly, untie and free the leaves, there by releasing energy and going to work to alleviate the ills besetting you.
This spell works over a period of days or even weeks, not minutes, so leave the shrub after performing the spell. If you wait and watch the wind might never rise.
A Loving Bell (West Wind)
Hang up a bell with a pleasant ring in a window that remains open of a good part of each day, and through which the wind blows (preferably the west wind).
As you do so speak these words:
Little bell of love, I hang you to whisper my need for love on the breezes and winds
Little bell of love, speak of my need for love to your brothers and sisters.
Little bell of love, I ask you to speak softly and draw to me someone who listens.
Every time the bells rings, it is “whispering” of your need for love. (the brothers and sisters are other bells who will add their own power to the spell)
To Vanquish Fear (South Wind)
Light a yellow candle indoors and sit in a quit contemplation for a second. See the candle’s flames drawing in your fear and anxieties; see it and the candle becoming infused with them.
Take the candle outside and let the wind quench its flame. It is done.
To Communicate with an Absent Friend (East Wind)
In the open air, face the direction where the person is present. If this is unknown, repeat the steps below in each direction, starting with he north.
Extend your arms and hands and, in a clear but soft voice, call the person’s name.
Visualize his or her features. Call the name again, with more force, and then a third time, quite loudly.
Next, state your message as if speaking to them in person. Keep this short and precise. When you have finished, listen for a reply.
Don’t imagine one, but listen
This works best with practice, or with friends whom your are intimately close.
To Stimulate Creativity (General Air Spell)
For this ritual, you’ll need a flute or air instrument of some kind. Panpipes, a harmonica, pennywistle even a trumpet are all fine, but an insturment made of wood or bamboo is best.
If you’ve never used such an instrument before, get to know it prior to using it in magic. Be certain that you can mae it create the desired sounds. Then, do the following:
Light a yellow candle. Hold the flute before it while saying these or similar words.
Music magic,
Come to me,
Music magic,
Let me see.
Music wakes the
Muse in me
Music magic
Opens me
To the music
Mystic mind
Awakened be
Music magic
Sets me free.
Visualize yourself writing that letter, composing that speech, finishing that painting, weaving that rug, or beginning to work on the book that you’ve been meaning to write for some time.
Now play the insrument for a few seconds. You don’t have to play a song; simply let the flute bring forth its energy through its music. Once you’ve accomplished this, set down the instrument and, within sight of it, do your creative work.
If you conscious mind once again blocks your, play the flute for a few seconds, then go back to your work. Wen your finished snuff our the candle flame and put the taper and instrument in a special place until the next time your need them.
Protective Chimes (General Air Spell)
Wind chimes are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and designs. They’re also ruled by tehe element of air and can be used to guard your home against unwanted guests and negative energies.
Find, make, or buy a nes set of wind chimes. They should emi a deinite sound. Before suspending them outside, charge them to their task with the following (or similar ritual):
Place the wind chimes on a flat surface in your place of magic. Gaze down at them, realizing that they’re lifeless, still and unmoving.
Wave your projective hand over them while saying:
Wind chimes
Spell rhymes
Spell chimes
Air primes
Spell chimes
Nine times
Lift the wind chimes by the string from which they will be hung. Hold them before your face. Blow against the dangling noisemakers, visualizing their tones scattering and driving away the negativity.
Hang them up outside, with visualization, and let the wind chimes do their work.
For best results, repeat this simple charging spell every nine days.
General Air Spell (General Air Spell)
This rite can be used for any positive purpose. To perform this spell, you’ll need a large pliable leave and a pen.
Go to a high place (Atop a mountain, perhaps) or wait until the wind is blowing. Then, visualizing your need, draw the symbol that represents you need onto the leaf.
Still strongly visualizing toss the leaf into the wind. If the breeze catches it and flings it from you it is done, if the breeze doesn’t transport the leaf, draw the same symbol on another leaf and try it again.
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