Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So our new year definatly snuck up me. Doesn't help that no kiddies came to trick or treat...Big ol' bag of candy for sky and me though. We didn't end up doing much for the holiday, went out to dinner and came home and relaxed. With working on the house everything is so skewed and twisted. Next year we are going all out, decorating for Halloween for the neighborhood kids and having a Big Samhain ritual. Hopefully when Yule rolls around we will have the energy to do something then try to make our home livable (I am hoping the house is 90% done by then. I hope all of your had a wonderful Samhain...please share your festivities with us!

Blessed be


  1. Firstly I want to apologize for my lack of participation these past few weeks. It's midterm season and I've been swamped with exams and papers, I've barely had time to think it seems. For Samhain I didn't do anything too big. Took my daughter trick-or-treating and then came home to put her to bed and work on some school stuff. I did manage the day before to take time to do a small ritual which basically consisted of me saying a few words about Samhain, and meditating on what I hope for in the new year. It was nice just to take the time out to do something as simple as that.
