Sunday, April 29, 2012


    Earth is our mother. It’s as fertile and nurturing as farmland; as moist as soil and as dry as sand. In its physical manifestations (such as stones), earth represents the densest of the elements.
    Press your hand against fresh dirt. Feel its stability, its earthiness. Know that within its fertile surface we’ve raised our food; on it we live our lives; within it we bury our deceased.
    We couldn’t exist in this form without the earth. But our planet is simply a manifestation of this element. True Earth energy exists within ourselves and within the universe at large.
    Here are some symbolic associations of earth. Think about these aspects of this most basic element.

Basic Nature:Fertile, moist, nurturing; stabilizing; grounding. Gravity is a manifestation     of this element
Type of Energy: Receptive
Active Polarity: Confidence, Endurance, Patience, Punctuality, Respect, Responsibility,     Sincerity, Tenacity
Places: Caves, Canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens,     arboretums, parks, plant nurseries, farmers’s markets, kitchens, baby nurseries,     basements, mines, holes.
Rituals: Money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding, employment.
Ritual Forms: Burying, planting, making images in soil or sand.
Herbs: Earth-smelling plants, such as patchouli and vetivert; mosses and lichens; nuts; dry and stiff plants; heavy, low-growing plants, generally roots.
Passive Polarity:  Apathy, Boredom, Deceit, Distrust, Inertia, Pessimism, Tardiness,     Unreliability
Body Parts: Feet, Legs, and Bowels
Direction: North
Stones: Heavy or opaque, as in coal; as in emerald and peridot.
Metals: Iron, lead
Musical instrument: Drum, all percussion instruments.
Season: Winter
Time: Night
Magical tool: Pentacle (a wooden, metal, or clay disc inscribed with a five-pointed star)
Point of Life: Advanced age
Sense: Touch
Color: Black, Green
Natural Symbols: Salt, clay dish of fresh soil, rocks, sheaves of wheat, acorns.
Tools: Crystals, stones, salt, ashes, ground, grain betties, fruit
Quality: Grounding, stability, security
Animals: Beat, cow, deer, ferret, gopher, mole, mouse, rabbit, snake, dog, horse, earthworm, ant, burrowing animals.
House Domains:  Living room (Room) Gold (Color) Chrysanthemum (Scent) Fun     (Thought)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Motivated Earth) Taurus (Rooted Earth) Virgo (Changing Earth)
Types of magic ruled: Gardening, Magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, and binding.

Abundance: Barbelo
Agriculture: Risnuch
Alchemy: Och
Animals: Thegri, Mtniel Hehiel, Hayyal
Commerce: Anauel
Creeping things: Orifiel
Dust: Suphlatus
Earthquakes: Sui’el, Rashiel
Farming: Sofiel
Fertility: Samandiriell, Yushamin
Food: Manna
Gaia: Michael, Jehoel, Metatron, Mammon
Gardens: Cathetel
Nourishment: Isda
Forests: Zuphlas
Fruition: Anahita
Mountains: Mehabiah
Plants: Sachluph
Trees: Maktiel, Zuphlas
Vegtables: Sealiah, Sofiel
Wild birds: Trgiaob
African Deities: Earth mother, Divine Queen, Nimba, Oshun, Tenga
Egyptian Deities: Anatha, Bast, Isis, Mehueret (Female)  Min, Geb (Male)
Greek/Roman Deities: Atlantia, Clonia, Flora, Hestia (Female) Fauna, Pan (Male)
Norse Deities: Frigga, Holda, Nanna, She-wolf (Female)
Celtic Deities: Aine, Anu, Blodeuwedd, Cailleach Beara, Magog, Rosemerta. (Female)
Visualizing the Earth
    Now go to the northern point of the circle and face the north. Feel that you stand at midnight, in the crystal deeps of winter, looking at the night sky. It is the dark of the moon, or rather just past that point, for a thin sliver of the new moon is visible as a shining silver line that, as yet, casts little light, so that the stars in the sky shine out as brilliant gems of differing sizes and brilliancy, on a backcloth of deep indigo velvet, some flashing or sparkling in various colors or highlights. The scene before you is illuminated entirely by the starlight.
    See trees and bushes before you in the landscape without their leaves, save for the evergreens, whose needlelike leaves glitter with frost in the starlight like tinsel on natural Christmas trees, with highlights and reflections from the star shine like glittering fairy lights.
    Be aware of the pole star in the center of the northern sky before you situated at the tail end of Ursa Minor, and, circulating about it, the northern constellations of Draco, Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, and the house like form of the chair of Cepheus. Learn to become familiar with the patterns of the stars; they hold the ancient starry wisdom. Imagine that you hold in your hands a circular disk that is in fact a black mirror of polished stone, which reflects whatever part of the sky whose image your catch in it’s depths, and which also imparts to you intuitively the meaning of the patterns. Then be aware that you also have a shield that on the outside is of a similar substance and which shines forth your own particular sigil that expresses the innermost star of your being, while the inside of the shield is like a brightly polished silver mirror, that enables you to see yourself in the utter clarity of perceptive wisdom. Then see building before you in the landscape the figure of a great bear, Artor, standing and swaying, clasping a ragged staff-a great protector of his territory and of all of his kind. Be aware that you have the status of one of his bear-cubs, a privilege that is due course of growth in your stature will lead to your taking on similar responsibilities and powers as the bear.
    A great archangelic figure also builds before you, that of Uriel or Auriel the giver of wisdom, seen dark against the sky, a shadowy beneficent presence who watches over neophytes. And with him see the elemental form of Ghob, the king of the Gnomes, in the colors of Earth, that contain the olive, citrine, and russet colors of a ripe apple. He is surrounded by his underground creatures, who can pass easily through solid objects and who are familiar with the mineral deeps of the earth and of the treasures and forces therein. Feel the steady warmth of the stability of earth that holds you in the fructifying steadiness as if you were a germinating seed supported in the dark bosom of the earth.

House Plant Blessing

    What you will need:
        One Potted Houseplant
        On pencil or green pen
        One 1-inch-square piece of paper
        A small amout of water
    Place the houseplant and all other items on a flat surface near or in the place where you’ll grow the plant. Using the pencil or green pen, draw a simple small picture of the plant in vibrant health on the small piece of paper. Draw lines of energy streaming out from it. Visualize the plant’s future health as you’re doing this.
    Next gently brush the paper (picture side down) against the plant, giving it love and energy, and possibly saying the folling words:
    Shoots unfurl
    Flowers bloom
    Leaves uncurl
    In this room.
    Plant of green
    Forever strong
    Grow now here
    Where you belong.
    Roots push deep and
    Branches climb
    By the power
    Of this rhyme.
    Grow now, plant-
    This is the time!

    As you say these words, block out all thoughts of past failures that you may have had with houseplants. This will only negate the power of the ritural.
    Next fold the paper with two creases into a small square. Push this into the soil, close to the pot’s wall. As you do this say: I give you power! Move the plant to its new home. Water it while saying: I give you life! Set down the empty water container. Hold your hands palms downward above the plant and say: I give you love!  It should grow beautifully.

House Cactus Blessing
    One potted Cactus
    One pencil or green pen
    One 1-inch-square piece of paper
    One plate
    A handful of clean sand
    Draw  a picture of your cactus on the paper, wih streams of life coming from it on all sides. Visualize your cactus in full bloom or in perfect health.
    Next, place the paper picture side up onto the plate. Pour the sand over the picture. Plae the fingers of your projective hand onto the sand. Look at the cactus, visualize it in perfect health, and say these or similar words:
    Denizen of arid lands
    Secret keeper
    Of the dew
    None can though you
    With their hands
    But I touch the
    Heart of you.
    Roots push deep and branches climb
    By the power
    Of this rhyme:
    Cactus grow! This is the time!

    Carefully pick up the piece of paper, keeping as much sand on op of it as is possible. Pour this in a clockwise circle onto the dirt around the cactus. Fold up the paper and push it next to the wall of the pot of planter

The Sand Trap

    This is a simple ritual designed to “trap” negative energies before they enter your home. Similar objects and devices have been used for centuries around the world. To make it, you’ll need:
    A small jar that once held spices, perhaps. It should be glass for, after all, glass is made from sand. Thoroughly wash and dry the jar, removing any labels. It must have a close-fitting lid as well.

    Equal quantities of two different colors of sand. Some types include: fine grayish-white beach sand; yellowish coral sand; orangish sand from the desert, red sand from volcanic areas, black obsidian sand, and many others. Search for suitable sands on your magical forays into the wild. Or, buy them from aquarium supply stores, plant nurseries, or craft shops. If you buy them be certain that the sands haven’t been artificially colored.

    A spoon (teaspoon for smaller jars; tablespoon for large jars)
    Two small bowls to hold the sands.

    Before you begin, our one type of sand into the bottle until it’s just over half filled. Empty this sand into one dish. Clean the bottle (if necessary) and repeat with protective, projective energy. Touch the sand. Caress it. Visualize it emitting sparks of bright whits light that ensnare negativity and draw it inward. Charge it with person power.
    Do the same thing with the other sand.
    Place the bottle before you, scoop out a level spoonful of the first sand. Pour this into the jar while saying the following words:
    Trap of sand
    Trap the ill.
    Trap the band
    And evil will.

    Fill the spoon with the same amount of sand from the other dish. Carefully pour this into the jar over the layer of sand already in the bottle, saying the same rhyme.
    Continue alternating layers of sand and chant. Repeat until the jar is completely filled. You should put so much sand into the far that, when the top is on, the contained sand shouldn’t move.
    When you’ve finished, you’ll have a jar filled with bands of different colored sand. Hold it between your hands and say once again the rhyme, while visualizing.
    Push power into the sand trap. Place outside your home hidden among plants, buried in the earth, or in a flowerpot filled with dirt. If this is impossible, place the jar in a sunny window. It will do its work.

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