Monday, December 26, 2011

Yule and Christmas

That crazy time of the year is winding down, presents have been exchanged and everyone smiles from happiness, and togetherness. Our Yule was a simple one, presents in the bedroom with the kids and dogs, watched a movie or two and had a microwave/grilled dinner. Nothing was wrapped, but we did a have a little  tree. It was nice though and next comes new years eve, the house is coming along we had walls and heat from christmas so that was wonderful!!!!!

There were two things that I saw this year that made me smile. The first was a gentleman who brought a Salvation Army bell ringer a cup of hot chocolate on one of the bitter cold days we had. It's not often that people think about those standing there to ring the bell. They are volenteers taking the time to stand in the cold for a few hours to help those less fortunate.

The second event was when i was leaving walmart and an older gentleman came in riding on of that electric carts. He was dressed in red pants, black boots, a red jacket with white fur trim, but the part that really made him St. Nick was the beard, it as long, white, and real. Children flocked to him and he laughed and spoke with each one, their mothers watching unsure and neverous. Yet when the kids walked away their moms smiled just as big as the kids. He caught my eye just for a minute and we smiled at each other. At least for another year those kids would believe in Santa.

Please feel free to share your holiday experiences and stories.


  1. me and my fiancee went to her moms for yule and new years. we got some movies from a local redbox and just sat around watching movies and eating. she lives in the mountains so we were completely secluded up there. one of the days i was there i made an offering to the animals of some local fruit, nuts, etc and the next morning they were gone so i think i did some good to a hungry animal or two (or twelve considering i pt out alot of food). other than that we enjoyed each others company for the holidays. hope everyone else had a good one too.
