Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introduce/ Reintroduce yourseflf to the goddess

Using what you learned about yourself in the last couple of weeks, gather the things that you found or represnations of them (Statue of animals/Goddess/God, perfume instead of flower, etc) And settle yourself in for some quiet time.

Choose a time when you know no one is going to interrupt you, gather some candles of your favorite color, burn some incense of your favorite scent/put on perfume or both! Have some images of your favorite things. As for music you can play music and make it something you enjoy I usually either have the sound of classical music with surf or sounds of the wild, but I highy advise advoiding music with words as it is distracting.

Once you are ready relax, take some time to just breath, set aside your worries for the day and just let it all fall away. Now listen, feel, smell, embrace the goddess and god, feel them around you. Show them who  you are not just with what you provided them but start with that, then let them deeper into your soul, let them see that you truely are serious about learning about them, from them, and to be one with them. Let them fill you, listen to them heed any warning, advice or interesting tidbits they may say to you for they are wiser then any who ever walked the earth.

When you feel your time with them is coming to a close thank them, and journal your experiance.

Now I do understand the personal nature of this assignment so take your time with it, you do not have to share everything her just a summery will do, but you can always share as much or as little as you'd like.

Most importantly enjoy yourself and listen to your dieties they love you and have been waiting to meet you or to see you in their realms yet again.

Blessed Be

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