Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Book of Mirror's

A book of mirrors is agood way to keep track of your daily progress as a pagon. It's just like a diary used to keep track of your thoughts,questions, or Idea's. It should be kept private as it is for your personel growth and can be used to keep you focused on your path while learning the craft. Use your book of shadows as your main source of record to share with your High Priest or Priestess in your coven and your book of mirrors for private matters.Together they will help you gain knowledge.

Blessed be...

1 comment:

  1. One great way to get the most out of your book of Mirrors is to write in it every evening of your thoughts of the day, any dreams or signs you've seen (Even if it was the frog you saw on the sidewalk or the cat sitting on your car) and then review all your entries at the end of the month, in time you will be able to see your growth and development and start to notice omens when they come to you first and help to see what the goddess and god are saying to you thru nature, life, and dreams.
