Saturday, July 21, 2012

We made Pentacles!

Rituals and other good stuff

The Circle Goes 'round in our lives and our hearts
As merry we meet and merry we part
Teaching us lessons and doing it right
But giving us stars on the darkest of nights
Granting our wishes and cheering us on
As we follow its path through the days hard and long
Bringing us friends so that we may play
And laugh and converse as we follow the way
Of the lord and the Lady and all that it means
As we work toward out goals and reach our for our dreams
At last, it returns us  to where we began
But we are now different than we were back then
The magical circle has changed us -Each one-
And we are now different than we were back then
And just when we think the trip’s over and done
We find that the circle has only begun.
                        ~Dorothy Morrison~
The Altar
    Because the human factor represents Akasha and is the source from which all magic flows, most people like to work with it in the center of the circle. Yet not everyone has the space to do that, so the altar can be placed where ever is convenient Remember to allow some walking room, though otherwise you may inadvertently knock over a candle and set the room on fire.
Cakes and Wine/ Blessings and Libation
    After preforming ritual magic, cakes and wine/cookies and juice, as case may be-are blessed and consecrated. In a solo setting it common to eat one of the cakes and drink the wine, if  you are in a group it is traditional to kiss the person you are passing it to after taking a sip or a bite. Always leaves something to leave to lord and Lady at the end of the ritual, but split the rest of the “feast” up between the members.
    Once the Ritual is over take out your offering to the Lord and Lady, place the solid food on the ground and pour the wine over top. If you do not do the wine&cakes part in your ritual make sure to leave something to the Deities, sacred water, incense, but be smart, don’t like incense and walk away, or a candle.

Call of the Five Winds
    This is a ritual that is actually a follow up to the grandmother meditation. They can be used separately or together.
    Supplies: Your breath, five tubes of glitter (gold, red, blue, green, and silver); five candles (gold, red, blue, green, and silver); a one-foot-by-one-foot flat stone, a pair of soft gloves.
Choose an area where you will not be disturbed, don’t mind glitter on the floor, and will feel at peace.
    Put on the gloves, set the stone in the center of where you will be working,  and place the silver candle in the middle of the stone. Set the candles around the stone in the appropriate quarters: East-Gold, South-red, West-blue,  and north-green
    You may put on the meditation, or gentle music if you like. Relax in the center of the room, beside your stone. This simple sacred space alignment requites that you be seated.
    Sit facing the east, light the gold candle. Tae a small amount of gold glitter in your hand and close your eyes. Concentrate on what the energies of the east represent to you and what your need in your life that coincides with these energies. You also can consider what your would like to honor. What gifts have you recently from the energies of the east? Once you have contemplated long enough, open your eyes and blow the glitter off your gloved hand. Imagine the energies of the east wind blessing you, your sacred area,  and any tasks you with to perform that use that energy. As the glitter descends, remember what the small winds looked like in the meditation and envision them before you, touching you gently and bringing gifts of love and unity.
    Repeat this procedure with each quarter, moving around the stone like the cycle of the seasons. Meditate on the blessings of this and use this time to find solutions to problems, inspire creativity,  etc.
    After you finish, thank the energies you have called and bid them farewell. Extinguish the candles, in a counterclockwise motion.
    Ground and Center.
    Clean up and record your experiences
Esbat Ritual
    Supplies: Three alter candles: one of each color in the left-center-right positions of         altar or candelabra:
        Full Moon: Blue-white-orange:
            Incense:  Sandalwood, frankincense, Night lady, Moon, Ritual, or                 one that is appropriate for any magical workings
    Tools: Bell (can clap hands instead), bowl of salt,  pentacle, Broom, athame,bowl         with water, incense holder, chalice with drink, cauldron, wand, and an Altar         to keep everything on.
Begin Esbat:
    Lay out Circle and at north set altar items [nay use fruit juice, water, tea, instead of     wine]. Ground and center
    Sweep the Circle area deosil starting in the north and return to the altar.
    As I sweep, may the Besom chase away all negativity from with in this circle
That it may be cleared and read for my work.

Light Incense and Altar candles; ring bell or clap hands 3 times
    The Circle is about to be cast and I freely stand within to greet my lady and my Lord

 Take center Altar candle deosil around the Circle, raising at each Quarter [and lighting Elemental Candles if used] returning to the altar when done.
[North] I call upon Light and Earth at the North to illuminate and strengthen the circle
[East] I call upon light and Air at the East to illuminate and enliven the Circle.
[South] I call upon Light and Fire at the south to illuminate and warm the circle
[West] I call upon Light and Water at the west to illuminate and cleanse the circle

    Raise the Athame in power hand in front of the Altar.
                                                                I draw this circle in the Presence of the Lady and the Lord that they may aid and bless me in my work.
     Lower Athame at North; walk deosil around the Circle, envisioning a blue light     shooting out from the [point to form the Circle Boundary:
This is the boundary of the Circle, around me through walls floors, above me and below me as a sphere is the circle cast and consecrated to the lady and Lord that they may work with and  through their child [name]. This Circle is charged by the powers of the Ancient ones! Only they shall enter and leave.
Return to the Altar, and ring bell 3x; touch point of athame in the salt:
Salt is life and purifying. I bless this alt to be used in this sacred Circle by the power of the Goddess and God.
    Using the Tip of athame drop 3 portions of salt into the water; stir 3 times with     blade.
Let the blessed salt purify this water that it may be blessed to use in this sacred circle. Through the power of the Goddess and the God is this water cleansed
    Sprinkle Blessed Water deosil around the circle
            I consecrate this Circle by the lady and the Lord. This Circle is conjured a Circle of Power that is purified and sealed. So mote it be!
    Put water bowl on Altar; take incense deosil around Circle to cense it.
    With the aroma of incense do I  honor and make welcome my visitors and helpers, visible and invisible
    Dab anointing oil with fingertip on forehead in a sigil.
    I, [name] am consecrated in the name of the Goddess and God, in this their circle. [Do this for all for all group members who walked the circle with you.] How do you enter this circle? [The response for each should be in perfect love and perfect trust]
    With wand, invoke the elemental Elements at each quarter starting at the North and         moving deosil, raise and open arms to invoke, then close and lower arms,         turning to the next quarter until all are called.
        [North] I call upon you, Elemental Earth, to attend this rite and guard this Circle for as I have body and strength, we are kith and kin! [Visualize a bull arriving]
[East] I call upon you, Elemental Air, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I breath and think, we kith and kin! [Visualize a soaring Eagle]
[South] I call upon you, Elemental fire, to attend this rite and guard this Circle, for as I have energy and drive, and consume life to live, we kith and kin! [Visualize a mighty lion]
[West] I call upon you, Elemental Water, to attend this rite and guard this Circle, for as I have emotions and my heart beats, we are kith and kin! [Visualize a leaping dolphin]
Draw down Cosmic Lemniscate with wand over altar (Infinity symbol)
Set wand  on Altar, raise Athame in both hands straight over head
Hail to the Elements at the Four Quarters! Welcome Lady and Lord to this Circle! I stand between the worlds with love and power all around.
Set down athame; pick up cup; pour some beverage into libation bowl, cauldron, or the ground to honor the Lady and the Lord, then take a sip, ring bell or clap 5 times.
Stand at the Altar with arms open and feet apart;
    Behold the Great Lady, who travels the sky; The stars shine around her and     light up the night
Pick up wand; open arms to the full moon for the drawing down:
    Lovely lady known by so many names, but known to me as [name], with the         Lord, [name] at your side; honor and reverence I give to you and         invite you to join with me on this, your special night. Descend, my         lady, and speak with your child[Name]
Set wand on altar and listen for guidance.
Read from a personal selection be it song, poem, etc.
Conduct any spell work, Drawing down the moon, charging of water, consecrations, meditations, etc. As created for this night or brought from spells rituals, or meditations sections from your book of shadows.
Once you work is done raise your open arms to the sky
    You are the mother of all, maiden, mother, and crone; you are at life’s beginning and at its end. You dwell within us all for you are life and love, and htus do you make me life and love. Love is the law and love is the bond! So mote it be!
Ring bell or clap 3 times
Feet spread and open arms raised;
    I acknowledge my needs and offer my appreciation to that which sustains me! May I ever remember the blessing of the lady and lord.
Feet together, hold cup in left hand and athame in right and slowly lower the point of the athame into the cup:
    As the Divine Male joins the divine female for the benefit of Both, let the fruits of their sacred Union promote life, love, and joy. Let the Earth be fruitful and let her bounty be spread throughout all lands.
Set down athame, pour a second libation into the libation bowl or cauldron.
Now touch point of athame to bread/cake in offering dish
        This food is the blessing of the Lady and Lord given to me, As I have     received, may I offer food for the body, mind, and spirit to those who seek such     of me.
Eat the circle food and finish the beverage, [divide the food and drink among attendees present] When finished;
        As I enjoyed these gifts of the Goddess and God, may I remember that     with them I would have nothing So mote it be!
Hold Athame in power hand level over altar
        Lord and Lady, I have ben blessed by your sharing this time with me;     watching and guiding me; guiding me here and in all things. I came in love     and I depart in love
Raise athame in a salute
        Love is the law and love is the bond. Merry did I meet, merry do I     part, and merry will I meet again. Merry meet, marry part, and merry meet     again. The Circle is cleared. So mote it be!
Kiss the flat of the blade and set the athame on the altar
With wand moving deosil, far welling each elemental with raised arms, then lower and close arms and move to the next Quarter; snuff candles if used;
        [North]Depart in peace, elemental earth. My blessings take with you
        [East] Depart in peace, elemental Air, My blessings take with you
        [South] Depart in peace, elemental fire, my blessings take with you
        {West] Depart in peace, Elemental water, my blessings take with you
Set wand on altar and raise open arms
        Being and powers of the visible  and invisible, depart in peace! You aid     in my work, whisper in my mind, and bless me from otherworld. Let there ever     be harmony between us. My blessings take with you. The circle is cleared!
Take athame and move widdershins around the circle envisioning the blue light drawing back into the athame.
        The circle is open yet the circle remains as its magical power is drawn     back into me. The circle is cleared! So mote it be!
At the altar, touch the tip of the athame to forehead, seeing the blue light swirling and returning inside; then athame in salute
    The ritual is ended!
Set down athame; open arms outward; palms up:
    Blessings have been given,
Draw arms together, crossed over chest and bow;
    And blessing have been received.
Bring arms forward with hands together in front; palms upright, outward:
    May the peace of the Goddess and the God remain in my heart, so mote it be!
Ground excess energy by touching palms to floor; put away all magical tools and clear the Altar; empty libation bowl or cauldron onto the earth [outside or in a potted plant], or rinse out in sink.




Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Creating Sacred Space

Internal Preparations
    In order to have a successful circle your internal structure must be sound. Safe and Sane, if you are not feeling well, if you are being over whelmed with anger, or being swept away by sadness,  you need to step back and get yourself in check.
    If you’re working with a group the whole group needs to be comfortable, if someone is harboring misgivings, grudges, or is hiding secrets from the group the circle will not work and it can be very dangerous. Everyone needs to be open with each other and not hid things from the group that pertains to the group.
    The next thing you have to do is to familiarize yourself with what is going to be happening within your circle. Do you have all your visualizations ready? Do you know the sequence of events. Yes? Good...time for a bath!
    Within the group this will be a time known as Quiet time or Attunment. This is a brief time of solitary  meditation and reflection.

Ritual Cleansing
    Ok so a bath isn’t always going to be an option, neither is shower, in the group setting you all can’t just jump in a bath together, but pre-ritual purification is a must! Now at it’s most elaborate purification is seclusion from others, special diets or fasting, ritual baths, and meditation. It is the essence, not the form, that matters in purification; therefore, in most cases less elaborate methods will suffice. What you are striving for in your purification is to achieve “Perfect Love and Perfect Trust” or as close to is as humanly possible.
    So what is this purification? In definition it is the removal of undesirable elements, an increase in homogeneity, and/or a greater adherence to a pattern or standard.  You need to put aside all your worries, and anxieties from your life. Your not letting them go , dismissing, or releasing them. You still have to deal with them but this isn’t the time so just push them to the back of your mind. Now you will find it is easier purify yourself if your physical being is being Kept up with proper exercise, diet, sexuality, adequate rest, and the avoidance of toxins.  “if the flesh is weak, the spirit eventually loses its will, and its home.

The Ritual
    Alright you’re prepared, your cleansed, and you are ready to go. So what’s  to keeping your successful ritual going once you get started. Let loose, let go, and roll with the flow. First off forget about how silly, awkward, clumsy, or comical you see yourself or others as you are casting. It will throw off your mind set and your groups. Physically it will make your stiff, the voice will lack force, and your life force will stop it’s flow into the astral plane.
    Vulnerability and intimacy are often linked, and magical work, whether undertaken alone or in a group, Is self-revelatory and intimate. You will learn things about yourself through enacting castings and rituals, and what you learn may not always be comfortable. You will also learn that the things that you shy away from the most such as dancing, singing, or expressing affection are things that we most deeply want to do. Strong desire often encourages vigorous efforts at overcoming or releasing obstacles in our path.
After the Ritual
    Alright you ritual went off great! You are buzzing on the energy you created but now what? You can’t just let it bounce around unattended. You need to ground or Center.  Grounding is connecting with our bodies to affirm their importance before shifting our focus outward to encompass more than the physical, and more then ourselves.
    Centering is finding balance ad true identity within yourself while being open to the flow of energy. When your sense of your will and intent is clear, your actions will be truer to your karma, dharma, and life goals. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Grandmother Meditation


Here is a Meditation I wrote and recorded

Calling Quarters

Invocation of the Elements
Air, Fire, water, earth, elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the circle, rightly cast,
Safe from psychic curse or blast,
I call you now; attend to me!
From cave and desert, sea and hill,
By wand, blade, cup, and pentacle,
I call you now; attend to me!
This is my will, so mote it be!

The Elements
Yellow is the color of Air:
Of winds blown strong and winds blown fair.
Red belongs to flames and Fire,
Burning brightly on the pyre.
If water is your quest, use blue
Tides rise and fall in azure hue.
The tint of mother Earth is green…
Clam and peaceful and serene.
In the mind these colors gel:
And they will serve you very well!

The Elements—Air, Fire, Water, and Earth— play a major role in our day-to-day existence. That’s because everything on our planet is either comprised of them singularly, or in one combination or another. And because it’s an Earth-based religion, the Elements also play an integral part in the rituals, magic, and celebratory processes of Wicca.
Each Element has two poles or forces: one active and the other passive. When the Element is in active mode, it works in a positive manner and energy takes shape in a very creative and constructive ways. When the Element is in passive mode, however, its force becomes destructive. This results in negative energy.
Each Element also has specific qualities. These are important because they make the elements pull together as a team. In fact, when all the Elements are used in equal combination, they form static electricity. It’s something we not only use daily in technology, but the exact substance we create when we cast a ritual circle.
Our bodies are also comprised of a combination of the Elements. This means that each element rules particular body regions, vital organs, and human Functions. When we feel out of sorts or get sick, it’s because our life force isn’t flowing properly, and this is a direct result of personal Element imbalance.
Elements Vs. Elementals
    Element: Belonging to the mundane world, in it’s simplest air, fire, water, and earth,         but making up all of the elements on the periodic table. Elements have         energy but not will, desire, or thought. An Element looks the same to all,         dirt is dirt is dirt no mater what color it happens to be.
    Elemental: A personification of the element, yet is invisible to the untrained eye,         does not dwell in the mundane human world but does have will, desire and         thought. Elements are subject to the practitioner’s vision of them and look         different to everyone.
Common Elementals
    Each direction has it’s own element and elementals that belong to it. The details are always different the main idea remains the same.
    Gnomes: Earth, north. Givers of material gain and stability. The rulers of the forest.         Seen as “little People” or green light. Protectors of outdoor circles and         groves
    Sylphs: Air, east. Givers of wishes, knowledge, and dreams. The rulers of the         weather. Envisioned as “faeries” or white light. Delicate beings with         beautiful wings. Protectors of magical applications.
    Salamanders: Fire, south. Givers of passion and creativity. The rulers of fields and         fire or blue flames. Envisioned as dragons or lizards. Protectors of the         hearth, home, or business.
    Undines: Water, west. Givers of love and friendship. The rulers of all water.         Envisioned as merpeople, sires, or pink lights. Protectors of the gates of         death and karma.
Elemental Calls
The east, the sylphs, the knowledge, the wind
Positive forces, I call you in

The south, the drakes, the hearth,  the fire
Aid this night my desire

The west, the mers, the love, the water
I conjure my need into matter

The North, the gnomes, the roots, the grove
Bring your gifts, I make it so

The center, the Spirit, the life, the force
I call you now to open your doors

Releasing the Elementals

The north, the gnomes, the roots, the grove
Fare thee well, I send thee home

The west, the undines, the love, the water
Fare thee well
Back you go to Gaia’s cauldron

The south, the drakes, the hearth, the fire
Fare thee well and never ire

The east, the sylphs, the knowledge, the wind
Fare thee well, with peace I send

The center, the spirit, the life, the force
I ask you now to the shut the doors

In perfect love and perfect trust
Hail ad farewell.

    The watchtowers can be magical wards/structures to keep the circle safe, or they can just be the structure on which the watcher stays keeping guard. No matter which the practitioner is envisioning it should not be called, summoned, or stirred (based on need and watcher) until after the circle is cast so that it has something to guard. Some other views of the Watchers are of Angels or Angelic like beings, other envision Grigori (Italian Giants born of  extremely tall males and human women), The four most infamous watchers are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.
    In ancient times (as far back as the records show) four stars were the watchers.
        Aldebaran:     East, Vernal Equinox
        Antares:    West, Autumn Equinox
        Fomalhaut:    North, Winter Solstice
        Regulus:    South, Summer Solstice
    Watchers in the most basic of ideals is both stars and angels, beings of light. They have been called Shining Ones, and have even fathered children with these shining characteristics. It is even believed that watchers came from the stars, or represented the stars themselves. To some practitioners the watchers also take on the image of an animal, that is designed and conceptualized but the practitioner.
    All in all Watchers do more then just protect the circle, they are also belived to be the ones that escort the dead to summer land and then on to their next life. Nothing is ever hidden from them, some even go so far to speculate that Watchers are the lords of Karma, and make sure that it is followed and used.

Watchtower Call
Watchtower call
Aldebaran light
East I draw
Come this night

Watchtower call
Regulus might
South I draw
Protect this site

Watchtower call
Witness Antares
West I draw
O work with star faeries

Watchtower call
Fomalhaut aid
North I draw
With my blade

Sining ones
of stellar sight
Assist me please
Throughout this rite.

    Hail and farwell
(Fomalhaut)(Antares)(Regulus)(Aldebaran) bright
Safe journey now
Into the night
Peace and harmony reign supreme
Blessing upon you

    Faeries are creatures of many levels of intelligence, ethics, and abilities. Extreme caution should be used when asking for their aid especially with circle casting. Never ask a specific fey to come without doing your research. This is just a starting place and should not be used without further research.
    Direction    King        Color        Rule
    East        Paralda        Red        Trees, flowers, winds, mountains
    South        Djin        White        Fire, Volcanos, passions, fields
    West        Nixa        Grey        Lakes, ponds, rivers, oceans
    North        Ghob        Black        Earth, Gems, Minerals
    When working with faeires there are two main roads that are followed the first being the interest of historical and archeological correctness of information of the Fey. The latter being those that are more interested in the mythical and creative aspects of working with Faeries.

    The airts are Gaelic, and are both compass points and wind. Local weather patterns can greatly affect your work and the landscape can greatly affect local weather patterns. Always keep this in mind when doing magic, ground shaking magic on a fault line, or water magic during a wet season.
    Just as with all things that are element in nature the Airts to have color associates.
    East        Crimson of dawn        Red
    South        light of high noon        White
    West        brownish-grey of twilight    Grey
    North        Black of midnight        Black

    Black spirits and white
Red spirits and grey
Come ye and come ye
Come ye that may!
Around and around
Throughout and about,
The good come in
And ill keep out!
    If you notice this invocation is not a quarter call, why? Because it makes an equilateral cross. Top, Bottom, right left which is used in other customs such as with Thor’s Hammer, other religions such as crossing oneself in the catholic church, or the basic four quarters of the earth, and the four elements.
    Since you are working with winds it is important to keep in mind that they will be moving constantly. Prior to your work set your mind whether they should be moving winddershinns (Negative magic, Banishment, breaking habits, losing weight), or Deosil (Positive magic, gain, increase,)

    Whatever you have been told or think Angels do not belong exculisivily to christianity. They have been traced back to ancient times and the root of almost all the angels names is -el which is Sumatran mean “shining ones” (Sound familiar? Often the Watchtowers and Angels are confused for one another and indeed can be one another their isn’t much of a difference between them when it comes to calling quarters but other uses with them you need to do your homework(
    Almost all of the branches of religion touch on angels. In judaism they belong within the tree of life. In that  religion the angels are responsible for different spheres and the angels within those spheres.
    In Catholicism, angels are split into a hierarchy called the Nine Choirs. Yet in protestant sects, angeles are rarely identified. If you are going to work with Angels it is important to know how they work together and what exactly what it is that you are working with. Here is a starting point as always this is not  all there is make sure you research more. This list is more definitions and any names given need to be thoroughly researched since it possible for angels to be of different ranks. (Michael is a Seraphim and an Archangel) The further down the hierarchy you go the more  human the angels are and the more susceptible to human failings.

    Seraphim: The Highest order, know as the closest to divine energy, and the most         pure beings. There appearance is that of a dragon with six sets of wings, four         heads, and eye covered wings. They are also engulfed in flame. 
    Cherubim: Linked to the Divines Glory and helpers to the gods. They are man like         in appearance with a two sets of wings, and two faces.
    Thrones: Angels of Humility, Peace, Submission, reside where materials take  shape.         They are often seen as huge spinning wheels with lots of eyes.
    Dominions: Angels of leadership, Let the lower levels know of the wishes of the         Divine beings. It is said they a speak fire.
    Virtues: Spirits of motion and control the elements and control of nature including         celestial bodies, and seasons. They are also in charge of miracles and provide         courage, grace, and valor.
    Powers: Warrior angels who are either good or bad creating chaos and destruction         or protecting humankind and the cosmos. The good look like humans and         the bad like leopards
    Archangels: Known as chief messengers to humankind during times of critical         danger or dark times. These angels have intimate knowledge of the divine         and continually praise them.
    Principalities: look like humans, but are angry with the deities and with humans for         hey are primarily evil.
    Angels: The last group of angels have no title and these are the ones who are closest         to the mundane world and take our messages to the divine. These are the         first to come when aid is asked for.

    Totems are animals, or animal spirits that manifest to aid the practitioner even in their work within a circle. Often they are animals that are native to the land the practitioner knows for example celtic Witches often use horses, bulls, stags, ravens, wolves, bears, and boars (just to name a few) in their work. These are completely up to the discretion of the witch or coven and can mean different things to different people. Take the snake, it can be thought of as a water element for it’s fluid like motions, or a fire element since most are found in hot climates. They can earth since that is what is near and dear to them or air for the distinct sound their hissing makes. One good rule of thumb is don’t use animals you know nothing about or that you have negative vibes from, fear is ok, I know very few people that would not be fearful if faced with a tiger but it still is a powerful totem that is used often.

    These are very common in covens especially ones with specific pantheons. The easiest example of this is a greek one. To cast the circle you could do it as such cast Zeus as Air, Poseidon as Water, Artemis as Earth, and Hephestos as Fire. When the god and goddess are called up could go on to use Diana as the Goddess and Helios as the God. This is just one of many combinations but it very important that with this example you didn’t use Zeus as air and as god since splitting the jobs of the deities can prove disastrous. When you call deities it is also important outline their reasons for being there, be specific.

Mighty Ones/Ancient Ones
    These spirits do not have names, but do favor one of the elements. They are humans who have transcended so far into the spiral that that hold ancient wisdom and knowledge from many an incarnation. They are guides to help us young ones along our paths.

Many Cultures, Many Quarters
            When the buddha was born, a tremendous eight-petaled lotus         blossom rose from the Earth. Remarkably, the newborn Buddha stepped         into the lotus and turned to look to each of the eight directions (the         quarters and cross-quarters), and then he looked up and down. To begin his         life in balance, he oriented himself to the ten sacred directions.
            In the Gaelic Airts the Directions were associated with the path of         the Sun. The East was Airt, and its color was crimson of dawn. The south         was Deas, and its color was white light of noon. The west was Iar, and it’s         color was the gray-brown of dusk. The North was Tuath, and its color was         the black of midnight. The Children of the goddess Danu, the Tuatha de         Danamn, had four sacred cities with four sacred treasures. In the East were         Gorias and the Spear of Lugh. In the South were Finias and Nuada’s Sword         of Light. In the West were Murias and Dagda’s Cauldron. In the North were         Falias and Fal, the Stone of Destiny.
            In Eden there were four rivers and four gates at the Four Directions,         and at each gate stood an Archangel. These Archangels are also present at         the four directions of the cross, and they are Raphael in the East, Michael in         the South, Gabriel in the West, and  Uriel in the North.
            The God Horus had four sons who were born in the lotus blossom         of synthesis and center. Hawk-headed Qebhsnuf was the son of Air.         Jackal-headed Duamutef was the son of Fire. Human-headed Imsety was the         son of Water. Ape-headed Hâpi was the son of Earth.
            It is well-known that the concept of the Four Elements undergirds         much of Greek philosophy. The mythology also repeats this pattern. The         Goddess Nemesis bore four sacred tools: a cup, an apple bough wand, a         wheel, and a sword. The four winds were known as Eurus of the East, Notus         of the South, Zephyrus of the West, and Boreas of the North.
            Before the beginning, at the time of creation, the God Brahma cast         his gaze to each of the Four Directions in preparation for his work. The         Tattvas, the primal qualities of nature in Hinduism, as symbolized by a         yellow square for Earth, a silver crescent for Water, a red triangle for Fire, a         blue Circle (Or Hexagram) for Air, and a black egg for spirit.

        In Shinto, the “way of the gods” there are four powerful guardians at each of     the four directions. In the East stands Jikoku as a blue dragon. In the South stands     Komoku as a red bird. In the West stands Zocho as a white tiger. In the North     stands Bishamon as a black warrior. Collectively they are known as the Shi Tenno.
        The Tetragrammaton, a sacred name of God, is four letters, YHVH. The     letter Yod corresponds to the Element of Fire. The letter He corresponds to the     Element fo Water. The letter Vav corresponds to the element of air. The second He     Corresponds to the Element of Earth. The missing vowels that would the give the     accurate pronunciation of this sacred name correspond to spirit. In it’s elaborate for,     wherein the Elements and Spirit give rise to all things, the Tetragammoaton     becomes the Shem he-meforash: the 72-syllable, 216-letter name of God.
Dineh (Navaho)
        The Dineh, what the Navaho call themselves, honor the Quarters in many     ways. One ritual of purification and integration involves “raising  the sky” on four     wands of shel, turquoise, black, and gold. The colors correspond to the aspects of     changing Woman who is White Shell Woman in the East, Turquoise woman in the     South, Salt Woman in the West and Spider Woman in the North.


Since all the elements embody Akasha or Spirt it everything and nothing. When you have all the elements in  unison you automatically get Akasha, at the same time it and is present without any of them.  There are somethings that are purely Akasha

Basic Nature: Unkownable, mystery
Direction: East, South, West, North, above, below, within, without, and lack of direction.
Type of Energy: Projective, receptive
Color: Purple, black, clear
Places: Outer space, inner space, vacuums,  the void
Applications: religious Ceremonies
Deities: All
Season: All
Time: Eternity
Senses: Psychics
Natural Symbols: Dream representations, imagination
Plants: All (or none)
Stones: All (or none)
Metal: Meteorite, any metal not from this planet.
Creatures: Dragons
Mythical Representatives: Spirits, Angels
Spheres of Magic: Religious and Divinatory
Magical Tool: All (Or none)
Ritual Forms of Expression: All (or none)
Musical Instruments: Voice
Astrological Signs: All (or none)
 Tarot Suit: Major Arcana

    Spirit Magic is any and all because Spirit is all magic. The most pure of spirit magic is that which the practitioner  listens, learns and becomes one with Akasha.